Are We Oh So Early?

Crypto Lover
2 min readMar 18, 2021

Did you know that it is estimated that about 1% of the worlds population is invested in the cryptocurrency market which means that we are so early.

Back in late 2017/early 2018 everyone and their Uber driver thought it was too late to get into the market and then when the ‘bubble popped’, people thought it was a scam and that the party was OVER!

Oh how wrong we were.

Some of us who entered the space in 2017 ‘noobs’ in crypto speak, had no knowledge of past crashes to compare to (although the info was there).

So after we lost, we left.

Understandably of course, why would anybody in their right mind keep their hard earned cash in or stay on a market that was going to zero?!

Even the seasoned vets who got into the space years before 2017 were losing heart, but found the will/resolve and belief to journey on, and boy did they do well!

As of writing this March 2021 bitcoin is $55,000 and was available for one to be picked up for $4,000 only back in late 2019, oh if only we could time travel…


Do you think we could be having the same conversation again in 4 years time, us exclaiming that bitcoin was only $55,000 back in 2021?

An interesting thought/concept…

However, this time I hope to be on the ‘right’ side of the conversation, happy that I invested when I did.

Based on my analysis of the 5 Customer Segments of Technology from


We would be considered ‘innovators’ which usually has 2.5% of users. That is minuscule to say the least!

Consider yourself lucky to have been introduced the the wild, whimsical world of crypto.

It is estimated that the crypto market will grow to approx 3trillion marketcap by 2025!


We are are almost halfway there, but we are still so early!

There is a general consensus that the phase of crypto that we are in is like the ‘dot com’ boom.

I assume you are aware if amazon, but do you know about Probably not… It had a meteoric rise and then when the dot com bubble burst it went bust.

Unfortunately this will be the same in our space, there will be big winners (outside of bitcoin) and there will be losers. That’s the nature of the game.

However, because we are so early, we are poised to be rewarded greatly.

There are of course no guarantees, but we will have the knowledge and experience, that can only be gained with time.

Yes we may lose a little, but we may gain a lot, but the one thing we can all agree on is that we are part of an historic moment/event of revolution.

Please remember this is NOT financial advice!




Crypto Lover

Crypto novice, enthusiast, lover, discoverer, believer.